Company details and legal notes
Mechanische Werkstätte K. Kern GmbH
Benzstraße 10
D-72649 Wolfschlugen
General Manager: Mr Christel Kern
Commercial Register: HRB 221225 Local Court of Stuttgart
VATIN: DE 241382759
Phone: (+49) 7022 95 33 3 - 0
Fax: (+49) 7022 95 33 3 - 30
Web address:
Service provider:
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Nevertheless K. Kern GmbH cannot assume any liability or warranty for the up-to-dateness, correctness and completeness of the information provided. The same applies to the contents of the websites referred to with a hyperlink.
K. Kern GmbH refuses any responsibility for the content of websites reached via such links.
The copying of information and data, particularly the usage of texts or parts of texts requires the prior approval of K. Kern GmbH.